Phone: 706-540-2779

miller's blueberry farm watkinsville georgiaMiller’s Blueberry Farm

1371 Union Church Road
Watkinsville, GA 30677


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Local Honey 

We have local honey produced and bottle on the farm. $13 per pound in glass queen line jars.

Pick your own blueberries

  • 8 varieties of irrigated blueberries $3.00/lb.
  • No need to bring your own bucket. Buckets with plastic liners are provided.

Who picks?

All ages—perfect for family outings and gatherings of all types. Bring guests who are visiting you during summer break. Bring some of your office mates for something different to do together. Bring a date or come by yourself. If once isn’t enough then come again and again!

When do you pick?

Open mid-June to late July

  • Open at 7:30 AM – Closing times and days open vary with weather and crop conditions.  See the calendar above.
  • Closed Sunday and Monday

Call 706/765-3076 or check the website for unexpected closings due to dangerous weather or to allow for additional ripening time. The recorded message at the farm is updated every day or more often if needed.

How do you pick?

Buckets are available on the porch (including children’s buckets). Ron Putman and staff will direct you to the best pickin’ on that day. Ask about the best way to pick berries!

Once you have picked your berries you will return to the porch to weigh and pay. Checks made payable to Miller Blueberry Farm as well as cash and Venmo are accepted. No credit or debit cards accepted at the farm so plan ahead.

No time to pick your own?

There has been a labor shortage the last few years and It’s uncertain if we will have pre-picked berries for the 2024 season.  Email updates will be provided as we get into the harvest season.

Don’t worry, buckets of pre-picked blueberries are available for $30/gallon . You must place your order in advance by email.  Orders are filled when we have good ripe berries are good dry picking weather.  We don’t pick orders when the berries are wet from rain.

What you need to know:

  • Portable toilet.
  • Bottled water and Gatorade is available for purchase.
  • Parking is available. Thank you for entering and exiting the driveway slowly.

Teens wanted to pick blueberries!

Call the farm at 706-765-3076 and leave your contact information.

Just for fun!

Learn more about “The Dancing Gourmet”!

Directions to Miller Blueberry Farm-

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